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   Recently released by THA New Media LLC, the two DVD digital master edition of The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies raises the bar for digital editions of this very important reference set.

  Read the rest of this entry »

  Comments Off on Master Edition: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion    16Oct The Civil War Screensaver    Posted by: admin   in Civil War Articles

   The Civil War, a PBS TV series produced by Ken Burns is a detailed look at the events that shaped our country during the American Civil War. It is presented as a series of nine episodes: Read the rest of this entry »

 Tags: civil war, civil war screen saver, ken burns

  Comments Off on The Civil War Screensaver    14Oct Five Popular Civil War Magazines    Posted by: admin   in Civil War Reading

   One of the best ways to keep up with happenings in the Civil War reenactment community, the latest thought articles and research, archeological finds and more relating to the war is through magazines.

 Here is a list of the top magazines relating to the American Civil War. Read the rest of this entry »

 Tags: american civil war, civil war magazines, civil war newspapers, civil war publications

  Comments Off on Five Popular Civil War Magazines    13Oct Civil War Generals Killed by “Friendly Fire”    Posted by: admin   in Civil War Battles, Civil War People

   Whenever we hear about a war, we always hear the term friendly fire. This is simply a term to denote an accident that occurred that resulted in the death of someone on the same side of the battle as the one who brought about that death.

 It is not something that anyone wishes to happen but in the heat of battle, things happen. People jump up in front of someone else who is firing, a grenade is badly tossed and lands next to a friend rather than in the enemy foxhole, etc. Read the rest of this entry »

 Tags: american civil war, confederate generals, union generals

  Comments Off on Civil War Generals Killed by “Friendly Fire”    11Oct Civil War Union Generals: A List    Posted by: admin   in Civil War People

   If you are looking for a comprehensive online resource for Civil War Union Generals, you need look no further than Wikipedia. They have an amazing resource for Union Generals - including photos/portraits and biographies. Read the rest of this entry »

 Tags: civil war union generals, Generals photos

  Comments Off on Civil War Union Generals: A List  Back to top   Previous Entries     Recent Posts   Master Edition: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion   The Civil War Screensaver   Five Popular Civil War Magazines   Civil War Generals Killed by “Friendly Fire”   Civil War Union Generals: A List   Abraham Lincoln’s Two Vice Presidents   Civil War Confederate Generals: A List   15 Civil War Battles with Two Names   Categories  Civil War Articles  Civil War Battles  Civil War People  Civil War Reading      Civil War Collections  Civil War Books on CD Civil War Maps Civil War Movies Civil War Omnibus Civil War Photos *NEW* Civil War Regiments   Civil War Omnibus Histories of the Civil War   Regimental Histories of the Civil War  People of the Civil War          © 2023 The Civil War. Designed by Infocreek for Wordpress Themes Valid XHTML & CSS